European and North American Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (EFUCA) is an international non-governmental organization, a regional branch of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations (WFUCA).
The aims of EFUCA are as follows:
To promote the ideals, objectives and programs of UNESCO;
To reinforce and develop, in liaison with WFUCA, the movement of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations within the Europe Region;
To promote the cooperation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations within the Europe Region through joint programs and projects in a spirit of international understanding and solidarity,particularly in the following areas:
Human Rights, Democracy, Justice and Peace;
Education and Culture;
Inter-cultural dialogue;
Development and Environment;
Natural and Cultural Heritage (both tangible and intangible);
Science and Technology;
To participate in the coordination of the programs and actions of WFUCA in the Europe Region and facilitate their implementation;
To participate in lifelong education and training of active citizens for a Europe of cooperation, democracy, solidarity and peace.